Denis Tramonte

School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Durban, South Africa
Purple Mountain Observatory, China

Academic History

  • January 2021 – Present: PIFI fellow at the Purple Mountain Observatory, China
  • October 2017 – December 2020: Claude Leon Research Fellow at UKZN
  • October 2013 – July 2017: PhD in Astrophysics at Canary Island Institute of Astrophysics (IAC), Spain
  • October 2011 – July 2013: Master in Physics, University of Padua, Italy
  • October 2008 – July 2011: Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, University of Padua, Italy
  • October 2008 – June 2014: Superior Graduate School Diploma at Galilean School of Higher Education, University of Padua, Italy

Research Interests

  • Observational cosmology with galaxy clusters
  • Large scale structure
  • Radio astronomy and observational CMB science